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RV With The Tanners

RV With The
Our RV Blog...

Does your RV have a shared key?? Ours did...
So what is a CH751 lock / Key? It's a key that's perfect for RV dealers..... as they only need to carry one key to access 100's of RV's...

RV Upgrade - Lippert Solid Steps - WOW!!
A little over a year ago, we installed Torklift Glowsteps to replace the factory steps that came with our Bighorn and found that they...

Changing Lippert Hydraulic Leveling Jack
Shopping for a new RV is fun. However, finding the perfect fit can take time. When we were shopping for our last RV, an absolute must...

Battery Upgrade - 6 Battle Born Lithium Batteries
After 15+ years of buying Trojan "Flooded" batteries for our RV's, we made the move to Lithium. Why did I wait so long...??? I know...

Side Lights - Adding More Backup/Security Lights
We recently wrote about adding Rear Lights to our Bighorn. We added this feature as we typically arrive at our campsite in the dark...

Hydraulic Level Jacks "Popping"??
Jim?!!? What's that popping sound? This is what Melinda kept asking me, after owning our Bighorn for a little over a year. So, I did...

Denver Mattress Upgrade!!
Both of us agreed the mattress that came with our Bighorn Trailer just wasn't allowing us to get comfortable and get a good nights sleep....

Say GOODBYE to RV Keys
We've all been there! You're outside and remember that you need to grab something from the storage compartment. And..... it's locked. ...

Storm 700 - Emergency Power
You think about it during hope it doesn't happen...but sometimes it does. ...POWER OUTAGE... Now what? First, you make sure...

ClearSource - A Water Filter Built For Your RV
We didn't think about the quality of our water while camping because we installed what most RV campers do.... a Camco water filter. Yet,...

New Lights for Backing Up & Security
Camping during the winter is possible in Oregon as we typically don't have severe weather conditions that require an RV to "winterized"...

No Lock Code Needed - RVLOCK Upgrade!
We love our replacement lock RVLOCK for our Bighorn. With this replacement lock, we are able to lock/unlock our Bighorn, without having...

Review - Lippert RV Water Pump
It will happen... most likely, when you least expect it! The water pump in your RV will....just....stop.....working. (Nooooooooo!!!) ...

New Stairs! Bye-Bye Bounce
We were never big fans of the stairs that came with our Bighorn as they tended to bounce and rock the trailer when entering the RV and...

New Master Light Switch
Melinda asked me during our last trip, "Why do we always have to flip on 3 light switches in the bathroom? Why can't it be just one...
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