“You asked for it, now they’re finally here. Introducing the BBGC3 and the BB8D, the newest batteries from Battle Born. They are a WHOPPING 270Ah, deep cycle LiFePO4 batteries! Both batteries weigh only 75 lbs. and deliver their full 270Ah rated capacity. The two slogans form Battle Born, has never been more fitting…..”Get Out There” and “Stay Out There” #GetOutThere and #StayOutThere.
Check below for the link to our YouTube page, where you can watch Jim explain all the details around these new batteries.
These game changing batteries are now available!! Click below to go directly to the Battle Born web site. Thanks for coming to our site. Jim & Melinda
Press Release: https://battlebornbatteries.com/dragonfly-energy-launches-two-new-270-amp-hour-battle-born-batteries-the-bb8d-and-bbgc3//?afmc=rvt_01
BBGC3: https://battlebornbatteries.com/product/270ah-12v-lifepo4-deep-cycle-gc3-battery//?afmc=rvt_01